
Bridge case 4

Porcelain bridge An all-porcelain bridge with porcelain veneers Porcelain bridge An all-porcelain bridge with porcelain veneers Question about grooming Due to a fall, pieces of the teeth broke off and the right small incisor was lost Treatments A fall caused several pieces of her front teeth to break off. One tooth became damaged to the[…]

Bridges case 2

Partial adhesive bridges Bridges where we don’t have to grind anything off the teeth Partial adhesive bridges Bridges where we don’t have to grind anything off the teeth Question about grooming Mrs. is missing 2 lower incisors. Treatments Mrs. is missing 2 lower incisors. The orthodontist has neatly aligned all the teeth. Because two teeth[…]

Bridges case 1

Bridge Bridge where we remove minimal to nothing from the teeth Bridge Bridge where we remove minimal to nothing from the teeth Question about grooming Mrs. had problems with her bridge. She thought this one was too dark in color. In addition, the bridge had been made too convex. Treatments Mrs. received a ceramic bridge[…]

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