
Porcelain Veneers

HANDSON | PORCELAIN VENEERS Porcelain Veneers Indirect partial ceramic restorations in the front. Sometimes a porcelain facing is the first choice for a durable and aesthetic restoration. The scientific basis as well as the practical practice of all steps is covered in detail. Masterclass: 2 daysAccreditation: 16 KRT Dates:October 17 & 18, 2024 Location: Cide,[…]

Laminate veneers from A to Z

THEORY | LIVE PATIENT TREATMENT SOLITARY RESTAURATIONS Live patient treatment laminate veneers from A to Z A live treatment rehab with laminate veneers that is filmed and shown live. Each time, the different steps are explained theoretically. Masterclass: 2 daysAccreditation: 80 PT Dates:November 22 & December 20, 2024 Location: Icarus Academy, Antwerpen MORE INFORMATION

Perio Plastic Procedures in Restorative Practice

HANDSON | PERIO PLASTIC PROCEDURES IN RESTORATIVE PRACTICE Perio Plastic Procedures in Restorative Practice with Tony Rotondo, Brisbane Australia This intensive course consists of didactic and practical components. The purpose of the course is to comprehensively understand the relationship between restorative dentistry, soft tissue health and soft tissue manipulation. There will be a strong emphasis[…]

Composite restorations in the front

HANDSON | COMPOSITE RESTORATIONS IN THE FRONT Composite restorations in the front Nice and easy Invisibly restoring a front tooth remains a challenge. During this course, you will learn all kinds of tips and tricks about composite restorations and apply that knowledge extensively in hands-on. Masterclass: 2 days Dates: january 23 and 24, 2025 Location:[…]

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