20220310 Almiro &
Increasing Acid Concentration, Time and Using a Two-Part Silane Potentiates Bond Strength of Lithium Disilicate–Reinforced Glass Ceramic to Resin Composite: An Exploratory Laboratory Study
20220301 Gresnigt &
Restaurations partielles indirectes du secteur antérieur en cas d’exposition de la dentine
20220129 Schepke &
Dimensional changes of CAD/CAM polymer crowns after water aging – An in vitro experiment
20211109 Kuijper &
Clinical performance of direct composite resin versus indirectrestorations on endodontically treated posterior teeth: A systematic review and meta-analysis
20210726 Hofsteenge &
Influence of preparation design and restorative material on fatigue and fracture strength of restored maxillary premolars
20210708 Erp &
Bilayered ceramic anterior restorations with reinforcement of the incisal edge by using lithium disilicate: A multicenter retrospective survival analysis with a maximumof 6-year follow-up
20210629 Kuijper &
Influence of the ceramic translucency on the relative degree of conversion of a direct composite and dual-curing resin cement through lithium disilicate onlays and edocrowns
20210217 Kuijper &
Survival of molar teeth in need of comples endodontic treatment: Influence of the endodontic treatment and quality of the restoration
20210110 Gresnigt &
Partial anterior indirect restorations in cases with dentin exposure
20201104 Gresnigt &
Comparison of conventional ceramic laminate veneers
20201010 Gresnigt &
Bonding of Glass Ceramic and Indirect Composite to Non-aged and Aged Resin Composite
20200707 Breemer &
Prospective clinical evaluation of 765 partial glass-ceramic posterior restorations
20200621 Bresser &
Influence of Deep Margin Elevation
20200606 Hofsteenge &
Effect of immediate dentine sealing on the aging and fracture of lithium inlays and overlays
20200416 Naves &
Seeing is believing ? The replica technique
20200407 Kuijper &
Breuksterkte van directe en indirecte restauraties
20200305 Hofsteenge &
Influence of dentin wall thickness
20200204 Kuijper &
Cyclic loading and load to failure of lithium disilicate endocrowns
20200129 Navarro &
Prevalence of noncarious cervical lesions among adults
20200102 Gresnigt &
Fracture strength of lithium disilicate cantilever resin bonded fixed dental prosthesis
20191102 Bresser &
Evaluation indirect restorations with deep margin elevation in the posterior region
20191101 Schepke &
Phase transformation and fracture load of stock
20190603 Gresnigt &
Randomized clinical trial on indirect resin laminate veneers
20190417 Gresnigt &
Performance of ceramic laminate veneers with immediate dentine sealing
20190401 Kuijper &
Shear bond strength of two composite resin cements
20190401 Breemer &
Adhesion to resin cement to dentin effects
20190206 Breemer &
Lithium disilicate posterior partial restorations
20180807 Breemer &
Effect of Immediate Dentin Sealing and Surface Conditioning
20180724 Kuijper &
Fracture Strength of varios types of large direct composite and indirect glass ceramic restorations
20180612 Carvalho &
Restoring endotreated teeth
20170916 Gresnigt &
Effect of luting agent on fatigue and fracture strength of laminate veneers
20170701 Gresnigt &
Crack repair
20170408 Breemer &
Effect of immediate dentin sealing on the fracture strength
20160401 Patil &
Esthetic Evaluation of Anterior Single Tooth Implants
20160301 Stroosnijder &
Accuracy of torque wrenches
20160209 Gresnigt &
Fracture strength
20160115 Gresnigt &
Effect of immediate and dentin sealing
20150423 Breemer &
Cementation of Indirect Restorations Posterior
20120721 Gresnigt &
PLV’s over existing restorations
20120710 Gresnigt &
RCT resin composite veneer
20120525 Gresnigt &
RCT direct laminate veneers
20110901 Gresnigt &
Case Laminate Veneers EJED
20110606 Gresnigt &
Esthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth with Porcelain Laminates and Sectional Veneers
20110101 Gresnigt &
Effect of static and cyclic loading on ceramic laminates veneers
20070101 Gresnigt &
Fibers in adhesive interface laminate veneers